I just requested a movie screening for a film called "Girl Rising." I requested it for the end of April to be shown in Raleigh. All the movie screenings are in CA. I doubt they'll bring it to Raleigh, but how neat if my request goes through! Here's a link to the info about the film Girl Rising
I also continue to read about Givology's organization. I've reviewed some media articles about them, including one that said they were voted a best non-profit organization for donating to good causes. I continue to review the different students and projects they are trying to raise money for to see what I'd like to contribute to in the future.
I'm also reading some blog posts from Givology and I came across this one - Maternal Health's Impact... I'm very much interested in reading more about the care (or lack thereof) that pregnant women receive.
Being pregnant with my second I remember how much I loved my prenatal care with my first child. And I am receiving excellent prenatal care with my second, as well. I think in the US and other developed countries we take for granted that if we are having complications (or we are freaked out about the tiniest thing) that we can just pick up the phone and speak to a nurse. Imagine how many calls they get a day about ridiculous worries....and then imagine not even having a phone or even a nurse to call! Imagine having no prenatal care whatsoever....and here I was upset that I actually had to do a 3-hour gestational diabetes test when other women around the world don't have teh luxury of getting any tests to know if something is right/wrong with their baby.
Here are some facts from the World Health Org (WHO) on maternal mortality.
It was the section on maternal mortality in Half the Sky that really inspired me to re-start R.I.C.H. And it's not just because I'm pregnant now. Even in college women's studies and the treatment of women regarding their pregnancies, access to birth control/family planning services, access to proper health education and the care of their young babies has always been an interest of mine.
In other news, googling the book has also led to the dicovery of more websites and such, so I'm off to explore to bring back more to share.
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